Business park raises record £11,000 for charity

WARRINGTON’S vibrant Birchwood Park business park raised more than £11,000 for charity last year – and is aiming to raise more this year.
The total of £11,578 was its largest fundraising total to date and will be distributed between the RSPCA Warrington, Halton and St Helens and Hand on Heart.
In order to achieve their grand total, the team at Birchwood Park put on a series of events throughout the year, including summer fairs, bake sales, sponsored challenges and the park’s now infamous annual Duck Race, all open to companies on the Park and local residents alike.
Martin O’Rourke, commercial director at Birchwood Park, said: ‘It’s fantastic to see that we’ve once again broken our previous fundraising records, and the money raised couldn’t be going to two better local charities.
‘I’d like to thank each and every member of staff, local resident and Park occupier that got involved in any way during our fundraising and those who donated their hard-earned cash for their contributions. To be able to give back to those organisations within our local community in need of help and funding is crucial and something we always strive to do at Birchwood Park.
Catherine McGee, operations manager at the RSPCA Warrington, Halton and St Helens, said: ‘We’re over the moon to have been one of the chosen Birchwood Park charities over the past year, and can’t thank the team there enough for everything they’ve done to raise money for our branch and the animals we care for.’
Lesley Appleton, fundraising co-ordinator at Hand on Heart, said: ‘It’s fantastic to have such a boost and support from businesses in our own community, and the money raised will go a long way in helping us to raise awareness for sudden cardiac arrest in children and provide essential funding for in-school defibrillators.’
In addition to monetary totals raised throughout the year, Birchwood Park also held special festive appeals for local causes, including collecting food, warm clothing, blankets and toiletry items for Warrington Open Door at Christmas (WODAC), a local charity supporting the homeless, lonely and vulnerable over the festive period.
Fundraising efforts will continue into 2020, as Birchwood Park is pleased to announce its newly chosen park charities St Rocco’s Hospice, Warrington and Dogs for Good, a charity which explores the ways in which dogs can help people overcome specific challenges and enrich and improve lives and communities.

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The Chamber in partnership with Warrington Business Exchange provide a range of business-to-business events that offer networking and business development opportunities. Most are held in the Warrington area, with occasional events taking place across the region and run in partnership with neighbouring Chambers of Commerce.


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